{tab=Team Scores by Round}
Team Scores by Round

Qualified for Championships & International History Olympiad
Qualified for Playoffs
Bowl Winner


Varsity Scores by Round

  Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Total Record Prelim Rank
Intl. School of Paris A 260 390 310 280 280 1520 5-0 1
Camille Sée A 410 320 270 240 340 1580 4-1 2
Intl. School of Paris B 70 220 120 160 100 670 1-4 3


JV Scores by Round

  Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Total Record Prelim Rank
Camille Sée B 170 200 230 240 250 1090 3-2 1
Intl. School of Paris C 210 150 110 110 70 650 1-4 2
Camille Sée C 150 30 130 190 70 570 1-4 3


{tab=Team Matchups by Round}Team Matchups by Round 

Round 1 Scores Round 2 Scores Round 3 Scores
Camille Sée A 410 IS Paris B 220 Camille Sée A 270
IS Paris B 70 IS Paris C 150 IS Paris C 110
IS Paris A 260 Camille Sée A 320 IS Paris A 310
Camille Sée B 170 Camille Sée B 200 IS Paris B 120
IS Paris C 210 IS Paris A 390 Camille Sée B 230
Camille Sée C 150 Camille Sée C 30 Camille Sée C 130
Round 4 Scores Round 5 Scores
IS Paris A 280 Camille Sée B 250
Camille Sée A 240 IS Paris B 100
Camille Sée B 240 Camille Sée A 340
IS Paris C 110 Camille Sée C 70
Camille Sée C 190 IS Paris A 280
IS Paris B 160 IS Paris C 70


{tab=Final Rounds}Final Rounds

Varsity Final – Game 1 1st 1/4 2nd 1/4 3rd 1/4 4th 1/4 Totals
(2) Camille Sée A 50 70 60 80 260
(1) IS Paris A 40 70 110 20 240
Varsity Final – Game 2 1st 1/4 2nd 1/4 3rd 1/4 4th 1/4 Totals
(1) IS Paris A 60 90 80 30 260
(2) Camille Sée A 40 10 60 90 200

